Sunday School
Christian Formation for Children and Youth (AKA Sunday School)
When: Sundays
Time: 9:30 AM
Place: Lower Level in the Education Wing
This year we are using an Episcopal, three year curriculum: Weaving God’s Promises. It is designed to cover three areas as described by Mary Ann Semple in the Fall Church Life
Holy Scripture: The stories of the Bible and the life of Jesus.
· The Church: Including the history, seasons, Book of Common Prayer, Episcopal traditions, and the Sacraments.
· Christian Living: Applying Christian principles to our lives to enrich our faith and grow in relationship with Christ by reaching out to others.
Sunday lessons include a sidebar of Episcopal connections with our traditions and history. More information is available at their website: Each month we will give a synopsis of what our young people have been studying on Sundays, we hope you will be inspired to walk this journey with them.