Ministries of the Laity at St. James
From the Book of Common Prayer – The Catechism
In answer to the question, ‘What is the ministry of the laity?’
‘The ministry of lay persons is to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever they may be; and, according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation in the world; and to take their place in the life, worship, and governance of the Church.’
The Laity at St. James is incredibly vibrant and involved in all aspects of the life of the parish and the wider Church. Their involvement starts with worship and ends in community as reflected in this section of the website. Please read on!

Music is the backbone of any worship service, but it is especially so at St. James. For 50 plus years, this ministry had been under the gifted leadership of William Benner and has truly enhanced our worship experience. This year, 2024, we are fortunate to have Davis Badaszewski as our new organist and choirmaster. As the music streams from the newly renovated Skinner Organ, and the Choir burst into song, it’s not hard to envision the heavenly choir singing God’s praises throughout the heavens. On several occasions throughout the year, the choir is accompanied by soloists and instrumentalists. We have heard Sax, Flute, Trumpet, Guitar and more blending with the mellow tones of the beautiful Skinner organ.
St. James is also remembered for the nearly seven decades of the Men & Boys Choirs, widely known and revered, ably supported for 35 years by Laura Swain (organist and interim choir director) and Jane Burridge, volunteer choir mother.
In addition to the music during worship, we periodically have concerts throughout the year showcasing many of our parishioners both vocally and instrumentally.
All are welcome to join the choir, both youth and adults. While the ability to read music is helpful, the only prerequisite for choristers is a love of singing.
Davis Badaszewski, Organist & Choirmaster
Photo and biography coming soon!
Fellowship and community
Fellowship is a multi-faceted element of St. James life. Many groups contribute to the overall sense of community that is the hallmark of St. James.
Fellowship – Under the leadership of Ellen Laitinen and Sally Hewis we are treated to monthly events such as Sundaes on Mondays, Pizza Night and a wealth of other activities. Coffee Hour has been the weekly meeting place for parishioners to catch up with one and other.
Daughters of the King – DOK is a lay service order for women open to all women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church or churches in communion with it. The purpose of the order is to extend Christ’s kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. Meetings are held once a month on Saturday mornings and at least twice a year M. Vanessa leads a Healing Service open to all parishioners. At Christmas time, the Daughters collect socks and mittens to be distributed to our Lunch Program clients. Many Daughters also knit hats and scarves for the Seaman’s Institute.
Women’s Fellowship Guild – This group of devoted women, lead by Patty Norman and Alice Griffith, provides service to and support of the Parish, as well as outreach to women’s support groups in the community. The WFG hosts a Salad Luncheon in June that features a wide variety of side, main and dessert salads made by the women of the parish. In December St. James’ bakers make Christmas cookies of a seemingly infinite variety which are assembled into cookie trays for sale to parishioners and community members.

lay ministries
Lay Ministries
In recent years, the laity in the Episcopal Church have taken a greater share in the reading of scripture (Lectors), the administration of the wine at the Eucharist (Eucharistic Ministers), conducting Morning and Evening Prayer (Worship Leaders), administering the Sacraments to the sick and shut-in (Lay Ministers) and preaching (Lay Preachers).
In addition, other groups contribute greatly to worship at St. James.
Altar Guild – A group of faithful parishioners rotate the responsibilities entailed in preparing the sanctuary for worship. Special preparations are required for weddings, funerals and baptisms. Additional decoration at Christmas and Easter adds to the sense of devotion for all who worship. Contact: Susan Cowling
Acolytes – Men, women, girls and boys over 8 years old are invited to join this ministry. On Sunday and other worship events they assist the priest in various ways. Training is provided on a regular basis throughout the year.
Ushers – Newcomers to St. James and regular members are greeted warmly as they enter God’s House and are assisted in finding their way.
Contact: Art Lindrose